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The Ultimate Guide to The Beginning and The End: Al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir PDF Download

The Beginning and the End: Al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir

If you are interested in learning about Islamic history from a comprehensive and authentic perspective, you might want to read The Beginning and the End: Al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir. This book is considered one of the most authoritative sources on Islamic history, covering events from the creation of the universe to the end of times. In this article, we will introduce you to this amazing book, its author, its structure, its sources, its benefits, and how you can download it in PDF format.

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What is the book about?

The Beginning and the End: Al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah is a monumental work of Islamic history written by Abu Al-Fida Hafiz Ibn Kathir Al Dimashqi (1301-1373 CE), who was a renowned scholar, historian, exegete, jurist, and hadith expert. The title of the book means "The Beginning and The End", indicating that it covers everything from the origin of creation to the events that will occur before the Day of Judgment. The book is not only a historical account, but also a theological, moral, and spiritual commentary on the events and their implications for Muslims.

Who is the author?

Ibn Kathir was born in Busra, Syria, in 1301 CE. He studied under many prominent scholars of his time, such as Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, Al-Dhahabi, and others. He was proficient in various disciplines of Islamic sciences, such as Quranic exegesis (tafsir), prophetic traditions (hadith), jurisprudence (fiqh), theology (aqeedah), history (tarikh), and biography (sirah). He wrote many books on these subjects, but his most famous works are his tafsir of the Quran (Tafsir Ibn Kathir) and his history of Islam (The Beginning and The End).

Why is it important?

The Beginning and The End is important for several reasons. First, it is one of the most comprehensive and detailed sources on Islamic history, covering not only political, social, cultural, and military aspects, but also religious, spiritual, moral, and eschatological ones. Second, it is based on authentic and reliable sources, such as the Quran, the Sunnah, the reports of the companions, the successors, and the early historians. Third, it is written in a clear and captivating style, with stories, anecdotes, lessons, and insights that engage the reader and inspire them to learn more. Fourth, it is relevant to contemporary issues and challenges, as it shows how Muslims dealt with various situations and circumstances throughout history.

The structure of the book

How many volumes and chapters?

The Beginning and The End consists of 16 volumes, divided into several chapters. The first volume deals with the creation of the heavens and the earth, the angels, the jinn, the human beings, and the prophets before Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The second volume deals with the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) from his birth to his death. The third to eighth volumes deal with the history of Islam from the caliphate of Abu Bakr to the end of the Abbasid dynasty. The ninth to eleventh volumes deal with the history of Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, and other regions until the year 768 Hijri (1366 CE). The twelfth to fourteenth volumes deal with the signs of the Hour, the resurrection, the reckoning, the paradise, and the hellfire. The fifteenth volume deals with stories of previous nations and peoples. The sixteenth volume deals with stories of prophets and righteous people.

What are the main topics covered?

The Beginning and The End covers a wide range of topics related to Islamic history and belief. Some of the main topics are:

  • The creation of the universe and its wonders

  • The stories of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets (peace be upon them)

  • The biography of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions

  • The battles, conquests, expansions, and civil wars of Muslims

  • The dynasties, kingdoms, empires, and states of Muslims

  • The scholars, poets, rulers, generals, reformers, and innovators of Muslims

  • The sects, groups, movements, and deviants among Muslims

  • The signs of the Hour and the events that will precede it

  • The resurrection, the reckoning, the bridge, the balance, and the intercession

  • The paradise and its delights

  • The hellfire and its torments

  • The stories of previous nations and their fate

  • The stories of prophets and righteous people and their lessons

The sources of the book

What are the primary and secondary sources used by Ibn Kathir?

Ibn Kathir used various sources for his book. The primary sources are:

  • The Quran: The word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

  • The Sunnah: The sayings, actions, approvals, and descriptions of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

  • The reports of the companions: The eyewitnesses and followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

  • The reports of the successors: The students and followers of the companions

The secondary sources are:

  • The reports of the early historians: Such as Al-Tabari, Al-Masudi, Al-Baladhuri, Al-Yaqubi, etc.

  • The reports of the later historians: Such as Al-Maqrizi, Ibn Khaldun, Al-Suyuti, etc.

  • The reports of other scholars: Such as tafsir scholars (Quranic commentators), hadith scholars (traditionists), fiqh scholars (jurists), aqeedah scholars (theologians), etc.

How did he verify and analyze them?

Ibn Kathir was very careful and meticulous in verifying and analyzing his sources. He followed these steps:

  • He checked the authenticity and reliability of the narrators and chains of transmission for each report.

  • He compared different versions and variants of each report.

  • He evaluated the strength and weakness of each report according to its content and context.

  • He preferred the reports that are supported by evidence from the Quran or the Sunnah.

  • He reconciled between seemingly contradictory or conflicting reports.

  • He explained any ambiguous or unclear terms or expressions in each report.

  • He extracted any benefits or lessons from each report.

The benefits of the book

What are some of the lessons and insights that can be derived from the book?

The Beginning and The End is a treasure trove of lessons and insights for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Some of the benefits of reading the book are:

  • It increases one's knowledge and understanding of Islamic history and belief.

  • It strengthens one's faith and trust in Allah and His wisdom and justice.

  • It inspires one to follow the example of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions.

  • It warns one against the pitfalls and dangers of deviation and disobedience.

  • It motivates one to strive for excellence and righteousness in this life and the hereafter.

  • It prepares one for the inevitable reality of death and the Day of Judgment.

  • It gives one hope and glad tidings of Allah's mercy and forgiveness.

How does it relate to contemporary issues and challenges?

The Beginning and The End is not only a historical book, but also a relevant and practical one. It relates to contemporary issues and challenges in many ways. Some of them are:

  • It shows how Muslims faced various trials and tribulations throughout history, such as oppression, persecution, invasion, civil war, corruption, etc., and how they overcame them with patience, perseverance, unity, reform, etc.

  • It highlights the achievements and contributions of Muslims in various fields, such as science, technology, art, literature, culture, etc., and how they enriched the world with their civilization and legacy.

  • It exposes the falsehood and corruption of the enemies of Islam, such as the hypocrites, the innovators, the crusaders, the Mongols, etc., and how they plotted and fought against Islam and Muslims.

  • It provides guidance and solutions for the current issues and challenges facing Muslims, such as identity crisis, sectarianism, extremism, ignorance, apathy, etc., by referring to the Quran, the Sunnah, and the history of Islam.

How to download the PDF version of the book?

The advantages of PDF format

PDF stands for Portable Document Format. It is a file format that preserves the layout, fonts, images, and graphics of any document. PDF files can be viewed on any device or platform without losing quality or compatibility. Some of the advantages of PDF format are:

  • It is easy to read and navigate. You can zoom in or out, scroll up or down, jump to any page or section, search for any word or phrase, bookmark any page or section, etc.

  • It is secure and reliable. You can protect your PDF file with a password or a digital signature. You can also verify the authenticity and integrity of your PDF file by checking its source or metadata.

  • It is versatile and flexible. You can create your PDF file from any application or software. You can also edit your PDF file by adding comments, annotations, highlights, etc. You can also convert your PDF file to other formats such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.

The steps to download the PDF version of the book

If you want to download the PDF version of The Beginning and The End by Ibn Kathir, you can follow these steps:

  • Go to a reliable and authentic website that offers free download links for Islamic books. For example:

  • Select the book you want to download from the list of available books. For example: Book Of The End Al bidaya wan Nihaya english

  • Click on the download button or link that corresponds to your preferred format. For example: PDF

  • Wait for the download to complete. You will see a progress bar or a notification indicating the status of your download.

  • Save your downloaded file on your device. You can choose any folder or location where you want to store your file.

  • Open your downloaded file with a PDF reader. You can use any application or software that supports PDF format. For example: Adobe Acrobat Reader


In conclusion, The Beginning and The End by Ibn Kathir is a remarkable book that covers the history of Islam and the world from the creation to the end of times. It is written by a renowned scholar who used authentic and reliable sources to narrate and analyze the events and their implications. It is beneficial for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, as it provides lessons, insights, guidance, and solutions for various issues and challenges. It is also available in PDF format, which is easy to read, secure, and versatile. We highly recommend you to download and read this book, as it will enrich your knowledge and strengthen your faith.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the book and their answers:

  • Q: How long is the book?

  • A: The book is about 5912 pages long in English.

  • Q: Is the book translated into other languages?

  • A: Yes, the book is translated into many languages, such as Urdu, Arabic, Turkish, etc.

  • Q: Is the book abridged or summarized?

  • A: Yes, there are abridged and summarized versions of the book, but they may not include all the details and references of the original book.

  • Q: Where can I buy a hard copy of the book?

  • A: You can buy a hard copy of the book from any online or offline bookstore that sells Islamic books.

  • Q: How can I cite the book in my academic work?

  • A: You can cite the book using any citation style that suits your academic work. For example: Ibn Kathir, Abu Al-Fida Hafiz. The Beginning and The End: Al-Bidayah wa'an-Nihayah. Urdu-Books, 2019.



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