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Ejaculation Mastery: Voluntary Ejaculation And ...

The key is learning to separate orgasm from ejaculation. Because ejaculation follows orgasm so closely (within a split second) most people think they are one and the same, but they are two distinct phenomena. With the simple techniques explained in this audiobook, you can learn to master your ejaculation response, so that you ejaculate when you want to. Find out how to experience the pleasure of orgasm without the accompanying let-down that follows ejaculation.

Ejaculation Mastery: Voluntary Ejaculation and ...

The key is learning to separate orgasm from ejaculation. Because ejaculation follows orgasm so closely (within a split second) most people think they are one and the same, but they are two distinct phenomena. With the simple techniques explained in this audiobook, you can learn to master your ejaculation response, so that you ejaculate when you want to.

Find out how to experience the pleasure of orgasm without the accompanying let down that follows ejaculation. Includes precise, detailed instructions on how you can master your ejaculation response and learn to have multiple orgasms. Instructions for mapping your sexual arousal by identifying your stage of erection and other signals that your body presents to alert you how close you are to ejaculation.

Specific directions on what to do as you approach the "point of no return" to delay ejaculation for as long as you and your partner want, so you can ride the wave of bliss for hours at a time. The techniques taught in this book will also solve, for the vast majority of men, the two most serious, frustrating and embarrassing sexual problems: premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. By toning and strengthening the genital muscles and delivering an increased blood supply; outcomes guaranteed if you persist in practice long enough to master the necessary skills. Any man can learn to do this!

Neocortical activity was only found in Brodmann areas 7/40, 18, 21, 23, and 47, exclusively on the right side. On the basis of studies in rodents, the medial preoptic area, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, and amygdala are thought to be involved in ejaculation, but increased rCBF was not found in any of these regions. Conversely, in the amygdala and adjacent entorhinal cortex, a decrease in activation was observed.

Studies in rats and gerbils have revealed that the medial preoptic area (MPOA), medial nucleus of the amygdala (MeA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), midbrain lateral central tegmental field (LCTF), and parvocellular part of the subparafascicular nucleus (SPFp) express Fos activity with ejaculation (Baum and Everitt, 1992; Coolen et al., 1996; Heeb and Yahr, 1996). In primates, however, a decrease in c-Fos activity was found in the BNST and hypothalamic regions (Michael et al., 1999). Baum and Everitt (1992) suggest that in rats, genital and olfactory vomeronasal input induces c-Fos activity in the LCTF/SPFp and MeA, respectively, and that these regions, in turn, activate the MPOA and BNST. Lesions in the posterodorsal preoptic nucleus and posterodorsal MeA in gerbils (Heeb and Yahr, 2000) resulted in a delay in ejaculation, but lesions in the subparafascicular nucleus did not. In male rats, bilateral lesions in the area of the LCTF completely eliminated mating behavior (Brackett and Edwards, 1984), as was the case after a unilateral MPOA lesion combined with a lesion in the LCTF on the contralateral side. Apparently, in rodents, connections between the MPOA and LCTF are essential for copulation.

These studies did not elucidate the precise role of the respective regions in sexual behavior. There are two reasons for the problems with determining the precise role of c-Fos in these events: (1) c-Fos has a temporal resolution of >1 hr and, therefore, cannot be conclusively linked to one specific event. (2) There is a difference in sensitivity to c-Fos between different brain structures (Kovács, 1998). The impact of lesion studies is also limited, because they do not provide insight into which systems become dysfunctional as a result of various lesions. In conclusion, even in rodents, a complete concept regarding the sensory and motor systems involved in ejaculation is still lacking. In other species, however, almost nothing is known about the cerebral organization of ejaculation.

Tasks. The volunteers were asked to perform the following tasks twice: rest, erection, sexual stimulation, and ejaculation induced by sexual stimulation. To minimize motor activity by the volunteer during the scan, sexual stimulation was provided by his female partner by means of manual penile stimulation in the tasks stimulation and ejaculation. Manual stimulation was continued throughout ejaculation. The volunteer's head was maintained in position with a head-restraining adhesive band, and, to minimize visual input, volunteers were asked to keep their eyes closed.

In the week before the experiments, the volunteers and their female partners were informed about how the experiments would be conducted, and they were asked to practice at home, especially regarding minimizing head and limb movements. Before the experiment, the precise procedure was again extensively discussed with the volunteers and their female partners. Great effort was made to let the volunteers feel relaxed during the experiments. When asked for their emotional experiences during the tasks, the volunteers did not report important differences between their sexual experience under normal circumstances and in the scanner. All volunteers reported to have used visual imagery to better perform the tasks, and that stimulation and ejaculation were accompanied by pleasurable sensations. Eventually, five of them ejaculated once, three others ejaculated twice, and three volunteers did not succeed (Table 1).

Protocol for the ejaculation condition. The bold black line shows a typical time-activity curve. Vertical lines indicate time frames of 10 sec. Ejaculation took place within the early phase of the time-activity curve, as indicated by gray shading. kcps, Kilocounts per second.

The brain organization of human sexual behavior is a largely unresolved matter. The techniques to investigate the brain structures involved in mating behavior, used in rats, gerbils, cats, and other animals, are not applicable to humans. Modern neuroimaging techniques can detect brain structures that are specifically involved in ejaculation and orgasm, perhaps even better in humans than in animals. However, the spatial resolution in these neuroimaging techniques is much lower than most techniques used in animals.

Two previous studies have attempted to register brain activation in humans during ejaculation. An EEG study showed no remarkable changes in brain activity (Graber et al., 1985), whereas a single positron emission computed tomography study (Tiihonen et al., 1994) indicated a decrease in blood flow in all cortical areas, except for a significant increase in the right prefrontal cortex.

The VTA is located ventrally in the activated cluster. It contains the A10 dopaminergic cell group and plays a crucial role in a wide range of rewarding behaviors (McBride et al., 1999). Increased activation in the area of the VTA was also seen during cocaine (Breiter et al., 1997) and heroin rush (Sell et al., 1999). The finding that heroin addicts experience orgasmic pleasure with heroin usage (De Leon and Wexler, 1973; Mirin et al., 1980; Seecof and Tennant, 1986) fits with the notion that the VTA is the key element in both heroin and sexual orgasm. It also may explain why heroin addicts have a suppressed sex drive (Minz et al., 1974; Cicero et al., 1975), because heroin already heavily stimulates this region (Sell et al., 1999). The present findings may represent an anatomical substrate for the strongly reinforcing nature of sexual activity in humans. Because ejaculation introduces sperm into the female reproductive tract, it would be critical for reproduction of the species to favor ejaculation as a most rewarding behavior.

Another candidate for involvement in ejaculation is the dopaminergic A11 cell group, which is also located within the activated region in the mesodiencephalic transition zone (Pearson et al., 1990). The A11 cell group in rats (Skagerberg and Lindvall, 1985; Holstege et al., 1996), cats, and monkeys (Holstege et al., 1996) maintains direct projections to all parts of the gray matter throughout the length of the spinal cord, but its strongest projections are to the pelvic floor motoneurons in the upper sacral cord, the cremaster motoneurons in the L2 or L3 segments, and the T1-L2/3 sympathetic preganglionic motoneurons, including those innervating the genital organs.

An additional region that might play a role in ejaculation is the LCTF. In male rats, in which the LCTF comprises the SPFp, it is known to contain c-Fos-immunoreactive neurons after ejaculation (Baum and Everitt, 1992; Coolen et al., 1996). Lesions of the LCTF/SPFp have been reported to disrupt ejaculatory behavior in rats (Brackett and Edwards, 1984). The present results further corroborate the importance of the LCTF/SPFp in ejaculation. In rats, a galanin-containing group of cells in the third and fourth lumbar segments has been shown to send fibers through the spinal cord and brainstem to terminate in the LCTF/SPFp (Truitt et al., 2003). Ablation of these neurons by the selective toxin [Sar9, Met (O2) 11 substance p]-saporin resulted in complete disruption of ejaculatory behavior, while other components of sexual behavior remained intact (Truitt and Coolen, 2002).

Activation of the precuneus (BA 31) may be related to the visual imagery that the volunteers used, because this region has been associated with memory-related imagery (Fletcher et al., 1995). The prefrontal activation (BA 47) on the right side was also found in successful micturition (Blok et al., 1997, 1998). Perhaps this part of Brodmann area 47 is the urogenital part of the prefrontal cortex, which plays a role in deciding whether or not micturition or ejaculation occurs at a particular time and place. The finding that the cortical activations are found almost exclusively on the right side corresponds with the results of Coslett and Heilman (1986), who reported that the frequency of sexual dysfunction is significantly higher after CVAs in the right than in the left hemisphere. 041b061a72


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